Sunday, May 20, 2007


Remember that commercial? For long distance I think, only it was Bob and the baby was a boy. Anyway, I shall spare you the gruesome details but confirm that I did indeed have a baby girl just 5 days ago. She, now known as "The Princess" in this vox, was born at 5:20 p.m. on Tuesday. 7 pounds, 4 ounces, 19 1/2 inches long. When I went to the OB Tuesday morning (11:30 am) they confirmed what I had thought on Monday--that I was indeed in labor. I was already 4 cm dilated, 80% effaced whatever the hell that means and according to the doc who very Ungently checked my cervix, my membranes were "bulging". Alrighty then...

Long story short, around 3:30ish they ruptured my bulging membranes (and holy crap I did not realize what that meant. I would much much rather have my water break on its own than go through that again...), and I made it to 6 cm dilated before I got the epidural. I had asked for it at 5 cm because once again the pain went all to my back. And I'm sorry but I can't deal with back pain. So I called uncle, and had to wait because the lady in the room next to me had some kind of problems with her epidural. When it finally came the anesthesiologist kept saying what a strong back I had. It took us only 5 minutes. That was at 5:06 p.m. At 5:14 p.m. I was fully (10 cm) dilated. And after a few quick pushes out she came. I managed to do it without any tearing or episiotomy--and then they put her on me, cord attached, icky all over her and I didn't realize that the placenta was still coming out. And they didn't tell me. So instead of pushing I was trying to figure out how to politely say "Can you clean this baby now?". Oh, and there was the crying and being grateful for a healthy baby and a girl and all that. So I was distracted. And the damn placenta tore me! How could a placenta do that?? See, I knew my placenta still hated me. So my poor girlie bits are still sore and I still had to get stitches and it's a bitch.

She is doing very well, came out ready to eat, and is doing her favorite thing right now--sleeping. She sleeps a lot, unfortunately not so much at 3 am. But we're getting there. SkyWalker is doing WONDERFUL with her and loves her and pronounces her name right and wants to hug his "baby sister" all the time.

They are both waking from their naps right now. Aside from the normal tiredness and the uncomfortableness of stitches and not being able to poop easily, things are going swimmingly. Vader is being a huge help, as he should be, and I'm sure I'll be back on my feet in no time. :-)

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The Nice Librarian said...

Hello??? Not familiar with a digital camera??? WE WANT PHOTOS! Glad stuff is going well!

fauxmiddlechild said...

yay for The Princess!

fauxmiddlechild said...

yay for The Princess!

Bee said...

Wicked happy for you... Really, I am... But I would be lying if I didn't say that I was disappointed when I saw only text... (Pics, please?!?) Congrats again!

ayanna said...

huzzah! :) see, you got my effacement after all...

lozzykiwi said...

Congrats, that's fantastic!!

Samantha said...

Yay! congrats! Glad everyone is happy and healthy.