Wednesday, November 15, 2006


My not posting (to this blog) at work rule means very few posts. I am amazed I have the laptop right now. It's usually occupied and I am far too lazy to go down to the cold basement to use the desktop. I am far too paranoid--well not really. This blog has the username associated with me and could easily be found by People Who Make Decisions. And I've been burned before over stupid internet stuff by People Who Make Decisions. So better safe than sorry right?

SkyWalker is having problems sleeping. He's normally such a good sleeper but lately he's been waking up in the middle of the night very upset. I thought it was gas, I thought he was sick, I thought he had nightmares. I don't know what the hell it is but I hope it stops soon. I am very tired and cranky.

No Lost tonight. *Sigh*. Not that it matters since I'd only be recording it anyway. I'll probably watch my recorded Heroes instead and hope it didn't cut the last minute off again like it's done the last 2 weeks. I frickin' hate Time Warner. I like the DVR but man, TW just sucks, they really need to improve their services. Their own help page tells me I can do things with the DVR that I can't. qw21?

I am looking forward to Thanksgiving next week. Mostly because I am going to my parents so it will be a real Thanksgiving. I am not looking forward to the car trip, but it's not as bad as it could be. Maybe I can get some reading done. I only have about 5 potty training books.

Yeah, the potty training is going nowhere. He'll sit on it at home but he won't do anything. He cries at daycare. He's  not ready. I realized I've been putting pressure on him and myself. He's only 2. So what if some kids are potty trained earlier? This is my kid. And if I push him he'll say Screw You and never be trained. I need to just chill out and wait until he's actually ready.

He is talking quite a bit now. I don't mean literally now since he is in bed, but now in general. He's repeating words and saying words perfectly his first try. It's kind of funny actually. The whole car ride home he told me it was dark. And when we got home there were two deer in the driveway and then they ran away. So he kept saying "Deer?" "Deer ra? I finally figured out the "ra" meant either ran or run. It was awfully cute. The first 10 times and then it got a little tiresome. :-)

As suspected the laptop is being requisitioned.

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medlibrarygirl said...

I've heard that kids potty train at their own pace. So yay that he's been exposed to the potty, but he'll start being consistant when he's ready.Alex is probably 75% trained. She's *finally* telling us when she needs to go, and she's going to be 4 in February. I keep reminding my dad that kids don't go to kindergarten in diapers or pull-ups, so she'll get it before long.

Karen said...

I was very frustrated as well with potty training. When I
was researching potty training a common theme seemed to be praise and positive
reinforcement. I came across a website called
I think it would work well on the road too. It would be easy to travel
with. This is how we used it. We hung it in the kitchen and named the
little boy on the front of the package,
“Bobby”. My son could not wait to go to the potty so he could push the
hear the praising message, and get his chocolate reward from, “Bobby”.
really got my son excited about using the potty himself and it was fun
for him.
Because he became so involved, potty training was easy. It is worth a shot.