Tuesday, September 5, 2006


When Vader brought the mail in today, guess what was in it? An envelope with my name on it, and the return address of the neighbor, "K". She left a nice note thanking me for the muffins and saying it was nice to meet me and maybe the boys can meet to play soon (her underline) and included her phone number and the words call me (also her underline). HA! We'll be away this weekend, so I'm not sure if I should call and say we'll be away or just wait until we can meet up. I don't want to make her squirm,  but I don't want to appear too desperate either...  Would tomorrow be too soon to call?  Just to say, "hey got your note, we'll be out of town but we'll be available whenever blah blah".


I feel like doing a little dance. I'm making a friend, all on my own, without anyone else as a go-between which is usually how I make my friends. Yay for me finally being an adult!

I feel a little bit like I'm cheating on my best friend, but she encouraged me to do this and well, if it were not for the extreme likelihood of her husband finally convincing her to move to some other place with a "music scene", I probably would not be doing this at all. And I'm not looking for a best friend-confidante. I have one of those. I'm looking for friends for my kid and someone who lives down the block who doesn't mind my company. That's not cheating right?

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redheadedali said...

Yay! *does happy dance for you*

wickedlibrarian said...

COOL, and good for you! And no, it's not cheating! People
need multiple friends. In the wise words of Bill, "No one person
can be EVERYTHING for another person." Your best friend isn't
living next door, willing to do play dates with your son. So,
different needs are met! It's all good.

bookishbiker said...

hooray!!! I'm so happy for you! And nowhere is it written that you can only have One True Friend. I think if you want to call her tomorrow, call her tomorrow. you can do anything you want!

medlibrarygirl said...

That's awesome...I'm tickled for you!!! And it'll be great for your son to have a friend, too. :) I'd call her before going out of town to set something up for when you get back. And you'll have to report back on how it goes!

fauxmiddlechild said...

very cool!

Bee said...

I am so bad about stuff like this... I still havent introduced
myself to neighbors because I am so worried about what other people
think, etc... Good for you! And yay! And all that
good stuff...