Sunday, December 31, 2006

Row Row Row Your Boap

First, let me just say that SkyWalker is sleeping, that *I* put him there and there was no crying or getting out of bed and minimal nonsense. I had wanted him to be in bed by 8, but I just don't think that will ever happen again. That's the downside to a kid who sleeps past 8 if you let him... Anyway, he didn't want to read any books and as soon as I told him his time was up and shut the light he started saying "book". The librarian in me hates to say no, but the Mama has to. Shockingly enough he laid down in his bed and didn't get up when I left.

It's NYE and I doubt I will make it to midnight. We didn't last year. I don't think I even care anymore. Sleep is way more important.

Funny things the boy has been saying/doing: We've pretty much given up on any formal potty training, but in an attempt to tell him how things work when I changed his diaper one day I told him that Mommy and Daddy pee and poop on the potty. He has decided to make that his new catchphrase and when he has nothing else to add to the conversation he says "Mommy Daddy pee poopoo". Yeah, thanks.

The past couple of nights during bath time we've been singing "Row Row Row your boat." For some reason Vader loves that song. I find it very difficult to sing and really don't see the point of singing at different times. Anyway, we did it the first night and SkyWalker enjoyed it. The second night he asked for "Row Row Row" and did this hand motion like he was rowing a boat. Maybe he picked it up in daycare? Maybe he's just brilliant? Maybe he was having a seizure? I don't know. Anyway, we did it again and he joined in with row row row. So we tried to get him to say "Your boat". Instead he says "your boap." Which is how he's been saying boat but it was even funnier coming at the end of row row row. So for the rest of the night he kept screaming "Your boap" at me. Tonight we tried to get him to say "boaT". He says "boap. T." It was hilarious.

Good times. :-)

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Karen said...

Very cute with the Row Row Row your boap. I was very frustrated as well with potty training. When I
was researching potty training a common theme seemed to be praise and positive
reinforcement. I came across a website called
We hung it in the kitchen and named the little boy on the front of the package,
Bobby. My son could not wait to go to the potty so he could push the button,
hear the praising message, and get his chocolate reward from, Bobby. It really
got my son excited about using the potty himself and it was fun for him. Because
he became so involved, potty training was easy. So give it a try.

Bee said...

Funny... This "Karen" person -- who has no public posts, by the way -- left the <a href='' target='_new'>SAME EXACT message</a> on one of my frustrated potty training rants... You think someone is just trying to sell that rewards thing?!? I do! Anyhow... I was only coming into the comment area to tell you that (1) I think your son is adorable, (2) I have also told my son "no more books," and (3) singing to your children helps them develop phonemic awareness... Do you not read the posters I make for the children's room?!? Teeheehee... Hope your New Year's Eve was fun -- even if that just means that you slept!

Bee said...

OK... I tried to use html, and it appears that it didn't work... Bah!