I have tried to remain positive and optimistic. My baby is having surgery again but at least she has surgery available to her--she doesn't have a fatal disease. This will all be over and she will live a normal life. My husband's job is in jeopardy once again but I am trying to have faith that it will all work out as it has before.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Here we go again
Monday, December 29, 2008
I don't know what to do with myself.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Clever titles elude me. Once again.
I have spent the entire day on the phone. I do not LIKE being on the phone. Gah. I had to call the SOBs that gave me a defective laptop battery so I can get a new one sent to me. For some reason I decided to call the school to see when I have to do the kindergarten registration forms... oh, Dec.1! Gah. It's not like they won't accept him, but maaaan. I almost had to call his doc to get the fax number so I could fax the health forms but I found that online. I had to call the pharmacy because they printed up the wrong label on the amoxicillin last night so it went from 26 refills to 1. Um, no. Yesterday I had to call about refinancing our mortgage and learned that the interest rate went up from Sunday to Monday. I had to call about a $438 bill for the Princess's deflux procedure that didn't even work. Luckily that was just a mistake and we owe nothing.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The cat's out of the bag
which is what happens when you accidentally wear maternity pants to the library that you aren't even supposed to be going to but preschool was closed and your kid was disappointed and you said "Hey, let's go to the library!" even though your sweater is too short to cover your pants that you only wore because your non-maternity loose pants were in the laundry. Oh, and when you have nosy co-workers who catch you.
12 1/2 weeks. June 26. You'll know the gender in June when it comes out. You'll know the name, well, you won't, unless you know me in real life, in June. Otherwise you're out of luck. I'm feeling better now that I am medicated. It has not been easy.
And there ya go.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
When I worked full time I had lunch at 1, picked SkyWalker up at 4:45ish and was home by 5:15/5:30. I had just enough time to start dinner before Vader got home at 6. He used to get home at 5:45 and I'm not sure what happened to make it 6. Whatever. Sometimes we didn't eat until after 6 but it was fine.
Why I suck
I suck as a traditional mom. Why? I can't knit/crochet. I really can't cook very well. I'm not all that crafty. But more importantly--I don't bake. I can bake things if it comes in a box with instructions to "add eggs and milk". That's about it. But today, today, dear reader, I have sunk to a new low.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
SkyWalker said perhaps the funniest thing I have ever heard him say while having a tantrum:
The jedi
SkyWalker insisted that the Princess sit next to him during lunch today (instead of across from him) because "I love her". He claimed that he would take care of her, i.e., make sure she didn't drop anything. Then he said "If it's clean, I can touch it. If it's not clean YOU can touch it." I'm assuming he meant her cup or whatever else she might throw. Then he asked me to cut his peanut butter and jelly sandwich into triangles because he wasn't doing very well. He told me to "do the best you can." Thanks dude.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Buffy Season 8
How did I not know this was out already?
Friday, December 5, 2008
Ureters, Reflux and Surgeries. Oh my.
When I was 20 weeks pregnant with the Princess I had a level 2 ultrasound to check my placenta because of the minor abruption I had with SkyWalker. The placenta was okay. The Princess's right kidney was not. That was in January 2007, nearly 2 years ago, and that is how long we have been dealing with this.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
A bunch of nothings
Muppets from Space is a funny movie but I don't think SkyWalker is really getting it. Too much plot, I guess.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Thanksgiving was good. It was nice being with my family and letting them share the jedi. It's always easier when there are so many people you can pass them off too. I couldn't make ferry reservations for the way home when I made the original reservations and then I just forgot about it until the day before we left. At which point all the possible ferry times we would have chosen were booked. So we drove around and it sucked. We left at 10 and didn't get home until 5. We did stop for an hour for lunch and had to stop again for SkyWalker to pee, but for the most part it was just traffic.