Thursday, December 18, 2008

The cat's out of the bag

which is what happens when you accidentally wear maternity pants to the library that you aren't even supposed to be going to but preschool was closed and your kid was disappointed and you said "Hey, let's go to the library!" even though your sweater is too short to cover your pants that you only wore because your non-maternity loose pants were in the laundry. Oh, and when you have nosy co-workers who catch you.


12 1/2 weeks. June 26. You'll know the gender in June when it comes out. You'll know the name, well, you won't, unless you know me in real life, in June. Otherwise you're out of luck. I'm feeling better now that I am medicated. It has not been easy.

And there ya go.

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Bee said...

Wow... Acknowledgment?!? Good on ya! (And congrats, btw)...

Bridget said...


bookishbiker said...

woop! congrats!!!!

Shinesalot said...

Cheers - and glad you are finally feeling better!