Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Books that changed my life

These are not reviews--if you want reviews you can visit my book blog (although one can argue that I haven't been reviewing very well over there as of late...) and they are all parenting related.

Back when I was on maternity leave with SkyWalker a storytime mom e-mailed me and recommended this book. I read it and it totally changed how I did things with him. Very shortly after I started the EASY plan SkyWalker was sleeping though the night and having nice predictable days. Until he went to daycare. I started EASY with the Princess much sooner and she started sleeping though the night much sooner... No coincidence. It helped me so much that I went out and bought the "sequel"...

I can't tell you how often I look through this book when I have an issue and wind up saying "Duh... of course!". When the Princess was refusing to nap in her crib I checked this book and went through the suggestions and sure enough she started sleeping in her crib. The only area I have veered from it is in breastfeeding. I think it pushes solids a little bit too much. It does advocate waiting until the 6 month mark (I tried! I really tried!) but then after that breastfeeding takes a back seat. But the AAP recommends keeping breastfeeding the main source for the first year. And my boobs also advocate this. Other than that this book has been indispensable. So much so that I bought my sister and my sister-in-law copies of both of these books for Christmas.

You'd think that after getting pregnant the first time I wouldn't have any problems doing it again. Nope. I was starting to think I was one of those infertile the second time around women when readingjag (to whom I will always be indebted!) recommended this book. I checked it out from the library, read it, started tracking my temps and all the other stuff and within 3 months I was pregnant with the Princess! I recently bought it for myself so I'd always have it. I've begun tracking my temps again for the exact OPPOSITE reason as the first time, but I should have a nice pattern so that when we do start trying for #3 maybe it won't take as long.

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1 comment:

Fran said...

The books are a real treasure for people. I see I am not the only one in the world who has changed a lot thanks to the books! Actually they helped me to understand who I am…

How is with your Princess? It’s sad to give medicines to a child… The end of the story is a real fun! LOL! Lovely age…