Wednesday, February 20, 2008


We've pretty much decided we're all going to North Carolina at the end of April. I do not want to be left alone for such a long time, particularly since Vader will have gone to Buffalo at least TWICE between now and then, leaving me alone with the kids and the dogs. His trial is in April and I just don't think him being gone so much would be good for the kids. Or for me. So I am picking my anti-traveling ass up and we're going. We'll be driving so we can have our stuff and set our own time table. It'll take 2 days to get there and then another 2 days back, and that will suck, but what are you going to do? I'll need to get off work and that will also suck but I have to keep reminding myself that I am part-time now. If I'm not here I don't get paid so a sub can. I am not full-time. It is not a big deal for me to not be here as long as I give enough notice so someone else can get the hours.

Now I need to decide what to do with the Princess and breastfeeding.... when we take our trip she will be 2 weeks shy of 1 year. I can't even believe that. But anyway, she's been doing 4 feedings a day since she was 4 or 5 months old. I can't remember. Instead of every 4 hours (SkyWalker was always every 3) she is now feeding at 7, 11:30 (because I wake her/make her), 4:30 and bedtime which is usually 7:30. She doesn't take much at 7:30 and I have a feeling that the middle 2 feedings will start to merge... Where was I going with this? Oh, the trip! So who knows how often she will be breastfeeding by then. I'm wondering if I should just plan on switching her to cow's milk earlier than her birthday to make the trip easier? It's not like there's a magic button that says "she is now 12 months and can have cow's milk". 2 weeks will not be the end of the world. You know my problem right? I like following rules. But I've been giving her finger foods much sooner than her pediatrician recommended... It would be so much easier to just feed her in the morning and then at bedtime (which she might actually do more of if she's down to 2 feedings) and then do cow's milk during the day. I managed to keep breastfeeding another 3 months doing that with SkyWalker. I can do it with her too...

I had a bunch more to say but it is now 8 and I am done pumping and need to get back to work. I expect numerous comments telling me what to do by tomorrow. By all 3 of you that read my blog.

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Shinesalot said...

I wish I actually had good advice...and since I always break the rules, nothing I say will really be helpful...BUT, Littleman started having cow's milk at least a month before he turned 1 - not always, but if we were out or planned poorly and didn't have formula with us...and he's turned out okay. :)

medlibrarygirl said...

I have no idea what to say about the breastfeeding thing, but where in NC will you be? I'm not far from the NC line, and might be able to swing a road trip to hang out with you & the kids for a day.

bookishbiker said...

I always have opinions! Go with whatever is easier for you, it will NOT hurt her in the least. I don't understand why you're talking cow milk instead of formula though - for full-on ease? or because she doesn't need her nutrients that way? Just curiosity on my part.

Jedi Mama said...

We wouldn't do formula at so close to a year. Although she *seems* to be taking less from me right now, she is perfectly happy and content and sleeping through the night so she's getting all that she needs and there's no reason for her to have formula now. In 2 months when we go to NC she'll be so close to a year old which is when she would be switched to cow's milk. You only need to breastfeed or use formula the first year. After that it's up to you.

Jedi Mama said...

We'll be in Charlotte and I'm pretty sure we'll be booked solid with the MIL and her family. No fun side trips for me. :-(

hamikka said...

I have no advice, but I think a small trip will be nice. Perhaps aggravating and an herculean feat with two little ones, but after the year y'all have had I think the change of scenery will be refreshing.Oh, wait, I do have advice. Goat milk?;)