I've been having some meetup problems. I go back and forth between laughing at the absurdity of it and getting really annoyed with things. The background: I started this meetup because I had joined another across the river and it was just too much of a pain with my kids' schedules to get over there to do things. But I liked the people I met and I liked the idea. So I asked the meetup organizer if it would be okay for me to start my own for over here (because I'm a geek like that... I didn't need permission but I liked her and didn't want to offend her). She was totally supportive. So I started one over here. And made some wonderful friends who have made my life so much better than the dark depressing days of October 2007. My group now has 33 members in it. There are LOTS of inactive people. People I have never met. But they keep coming to the site and at least checking it out so I'm not removing them yet. Then there are some that come to things that I REALLY wish wouldn't. I don't know how to get rid of them. I'm sorry I don't like you doesn't seem to be a good excuse. Because the group got larger and I got busier I had a couple of Assistant Organizers. They turned out to do NOTHING. Now that SkyWalker is in preschool 3 days a week and the Princess naps right after we get home, my time is pretty limited. So I really NEED the asst. organizers now. I e-mailed the other meetup organizer for advice, which she nicely gave, and I e-mailed the 2 assts. and very nicely explained that I really needed help and if they were too busy they could step down and that would be okay, no hard feelings. I had expected a somewhat less than favorable response from one of them but not from the other one. The other one e-mailed back that she would be leaving the group and then before I even got a chance to say "hey, you don't have to do that" she left the group, with a snarky comment no less. I so do NOT need this drama. I could e-mail her and try to explain and make her feel better. But you know what? I'm not. Because I don't need drama.
WTF?!?!?!People suck ass. That's all I have to say.Actually, not all I have to say. WTF, again?!?!?!? I saw your email and didn't get a chance to write back because I had a meeting tonight but I will give it some thought. I have to make sure I have the time to commit.But, again, people suck ass. You should not be dealing with drama. And, I didn't know you were paying $75! That's not cool. You should charge dues. I will pay.
I am fully ready to come up with some fun weekend stuff. I may even try to get something on the schedule for this weekend! I was eying this event at CMOST on Saturday that looks like fun but I want to make sure it doesn't cost extra. Did you see I played around with the Halloween invite a little. I wanted to test out my new powers. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact that you can get an excel spreadsheet. I've already thought of some data analysis I can do with that. Oh btw, I have access to vox, SWEET! Anyways, you are totally right about drama. I mean we are all adults now and also parents so why act like a child. I swore off drama a loooooong time ago. What did her comment say???Well I better get back to work, just so excited I have found a way to communicate with the real world!
Good for you for not responding to the drama queen!
Seems to me like if there are some people you like, and some you don't, you can start doing things with just them, by just emailing them off-list. You probably already figured that out :-)
A group of people I hange with are in a similar bind, though: there's an ever-other-week beer night that a coworker organizes, and she started inviting this one coworker, who has turned out to be supremely annoying. But now that he knows about the every-other-week business it feels impossible to stop inviting him. I started a movie night thing and he managed to kill it by hogging it for three months.. it's been almost a year and I want to revive it, but don't want to invite him, and don't know how to NOT invite him. Though I suppose if I wait long enough, I can just quietly bring it back to life.
So, sorry to add my stupid drama to YOUR post. I think my point is: we never fully leave junior high. And no one ever told us that. Because it is a deep dark secret!
Data Analysis!!! At work a week and you're a geek already. ;-)
Whoa, issues!! What led her to that conclusion is beyond me! Well, in reality she wasn't "good enough" and for her to try to make you feel bad for her lack of respect and consideration is just plain wrong. Yeah we are all moms and we get busy and things come up unexpectedly but don't commit to a billion different things and constantly back out on every single one of them. Never mind the attendance issue - did she even plan any meetups at all??
That is so freakin' crazy... I agree with the "we never get out of junior high" comment... I seriously feel like that's the main reason I work as a Tween/Teen librarian... I don't really feel as if I have ever "grown up," and this provides me with an acceptable explanation/outlet for that feeling... So stupid... Hope the drama stuff improves now that she has left...
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