Tuesday, March 11, 2008

For your viewing pleasure


medlibrarygirl said...

Oh my goodness they are so cute!!! I can't wait to meet them this weekend. :)Also, thank you for the ultrasound update. I'm glad all is well.

Shinesalot said...

Look at her GO!!! WOW! I love how Isaac checks her out like, "Hmm, okay...I guess this is going to be alright...."

Hurricane Hetta said...

This is soo great! Thanks for sharing. I love seeing kids "at work" and doing just simple little things.

Shinesalot said...

okay, every time littleman watches the walking video he thinks skywalker is shouting, "i gotta PEEEEE!!!" and cracks up. i mean seriously. he's sitting on my lap nearly crying with laughter - need to let him see it again...

Jedi Mama said...

Sorry to disappoint.... he is saying "i drew a HAPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYY....." and then trails off and never says face.