Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I seem to be posting a lot lately

Could that be because Vader is never home and therefore not hogging the laptop? And because SkyWalker just wants his damn truck movies and it's easier to sit on the couch next to him and blog than have to listen to "truck driver Dave" one more time?

This was supposed to be a cheery post since my last few have all been relative downers. Bah. Well, I suppose I can start out with something  positive and then go into the bitching (vox should let you do cuts like LJ does).

Remember the neighbor I was trying to make friends with? I called her yesterday. It had been months since I spoke to her. We just couldn't get a good weekend to get together after the initial visit. Anyway, I called and actually got her and not the machine. I explained that the very next day after we visited I found out I was pregnant (on SkyWalker's birthday) and then spent the first 20-some odd weeks vomiting. And just couldn't find the time to really do anything and I wanted her to know I wasn't just a flake and that I really did want the boys to get together. And that I'd be home all summer and only going back to work part-time so I hoped I could work around *her* schedule now. She's a teacher so she'll be off the summer too. She said they had just been talking about me and her husband said "Just call her! She lives right down the road!" but by the time she'd get a chance it was always too late. Which is what would happen with me too... in fact as I was talking to her I was trying to make dinner and SkyWalker had a bit of a fit because  he wanted to "hello" and I didn't let him. I had been waiting for an opportunity to call when I wouldn't be interrupted and realized that would never happen. We'll be getting together the last weekend in March. :-) So that's good. Particularly with SkyWalker stopping daycare I want him to play with other kids and stay his social self. In other words, not turn into me.

What was I going to bitch about? Oh Vader never being home. He just called now (7:15) to say he's leaving in 5 minutes. How am I supposed to take it easy if he's not home and I have to take care of SkyWalker, the dogs and myself? And SkyWalker keeps having these poop-issues. I'm trying to make dinner and he's crying because he needs to poop. We sit on the potty, nothing happens. We're eating dinner, he cries because he has to poop (and I mean, cries in pain, not whinyness), sit on the potty, nothing happens. By the time I get to eat it's cold and I feel like I'm going to pass out. And the dogs need to be fed and repeatedly told to stay away from us while we're eating. It's nothing that I couldn't handle before--before I was 7 months pregnant that is. It used to be mildly annoying when he would get home late, but now it's frickin  painful.  It doesn't help that his "normal" time to get home is 6. He's always saying the work day is 9-5 but he doesn't leave until 5:30. His choice. He's not getting overtime for this either. He's salary.

Okay, enough bitching. Funny things. SkyWalker has progressed from wanting things to needing them. He needs his fire truck movie. Needs his choo-choos. But by far the funniest is "Need to play pee-pee." Dude, you're 2 1/2 and you NEED to play with your pee-pee? It's hilarious. He's been talking a lot. Saying new words and putting them together. Speaking in sentences and really understanding what we are saying. He's a little human.

The new bookcase is outside right now. I would get it if it wasn't for that whole being in pain thing. Right now I feel like my hips are going to pop out.

Hey, does anyone know what to use to clean DVDs? Can you use 409 or windex or something like that?

Oh and Happy Birthday uncagedbird ! (Anyone else think she's pretty hot for 36? I mean she is a model... )

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Bee said...

Yay! I'm so glad you made friends with that neighbor lady! Not that I was worried about it or anything, but it is always nice to hear that your efforts to be an extrovert paid off! Teeheehee... Have a nice weekend, since I won't see you until next week...

ayanna said...

boys and penises (the boy calls his "peenie" when he isn't using the full word)...yep, uncaged bird is hawt. so not skywalker constipated, maybe? or does he have hemorroids, which makes it owie for him to poop? maybe a little vaseline around and in the anus will help...

bookishbiker said...

Hooray for calling neighbor-lady! It sounds like you two have a lot in common.